Contact Press / Media
M.Sc. Nora Fanderl
Mobility Ecosystems
Fraunhofer IAO
Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart
Phone +49 711 970-2301
The technological shift towards electric mobility and the need for new, sustainable mobility concepts in urban and rural areas, raises the expectations of industry and cities. In individual industrial as well as national and international funded projects, the competence center develops strategies and systemic solutions for the market-driven implementation of sustainable mobility. Current projects for example are about creating future scenarios for construction types and quantities of electric power units, implementation guidelines for the integration of electric mobility in European cities, as well as the development of business models for operational e-mobility. Furthermore, interdisciplinary joint projects, in which technological and competition-relevant potentials for the actors on the market are being identified and made useful, can be named as part of our expertise.
Founded in June 2012, Fraunhofer IAO operates from the field office in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, where its work is integrated with the department activities in Stuttgart. Rural or touristic regions, in particular, hold some unique challenges. Thus, exploration in those areas demands efficiency on a highest level to be able to develop innovations for the land of tomorrow.