Contact Press / Media
Dr.-Ing. Lukas Block
Head of Team Mobility Transformation
Fraunhofer IAO
Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart
Phone +49 711 970-2173
The Competence Center Mobility Transformation develops vehicle concepts and carriers of technology for urban space and collaborative use in sharing concepts. Inductive charging systems and automated driving are two important future trends the team is currently working on.
Aside from the development of the vehicles themselves, their integration into the energy grid is also of central importance. To charge the electric vehicles with local renewable energy and to optimize local energy management, there is a Micro Smart Grid installed at the Fraunhofer institute in Stuttgart. In the context of a collaborative approach to financing between the public and private sectors, components developed by partners are tested, and operation strategies for an all-encompassing system of producers, storage and consumers can be developed, simulated, and implemented.
An important success factor of future mobility systems is the effective integration of electric vehicles into existing intermodal mobility chains. Therefore a central focus of the Competence Center Mobility Innovation’s research is on the gapless capture of mobility chains in everyday life via smartphone technology. This approach is helping to deduce the success factors for an improved linkage of various modes of transportation.
One of the biggest challenges for electric mobility is the development of successful business models. Therefore, the team works alongside industrial partners on business models for mobility services and charging infrastructure. Beside the development of business models and services of additional value, the actual process of developing a business model itself is being explored and optimized.